Elections – Nominations on NOV. 8th 10:30am

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November 8th 10:30am

CHAIRPERSON: It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside at all meetings of the General Council and Business Committee and to perform all duties of his office.

VICE CHAIRPERSON: In the absence of the Chairman, he shall have the power and authority of the Chairman and may, if authorized by the Chairman, assist the Chairman in the performance of his duties.

(3) Three BUSINESS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: The Business Committee shall have the following administrative powers and duties, but shall not commit the Band to any contract lease, or other arrangement unless it is so empowered by a duly enacted ordinance or resolution of the General Council.

  • 1.      Cause the effectuation of all ordinances, resolutions, or other enactments of the General Council.
  • 2.      Represent the Band in all negotiations between the Band and local, state and federal government, their agencies and officers.
  • 3.      Faithfully advise the General Council of all aforementioned negotiations.
  • 4.      To enact resolutions or ordinances that does not conflict with these Articles of Association or Federal Law.
The eligibility of the nominees is found in ARTICLE IV:


  • A.    Any enrolled member of the Band, eighteen (18) years of age or older, shall have the right to vote and, if duly elected, to hold office.  All election of officers shall be by secret ballot. Nominations for the Business Committee shall be made at a General Council meeting called for that purpose, and all nominees certified by the existing Business Committee shall have their names placed on the ballot.
  • B.     All terms of office shall be for five (5) years and elections shall be held upon the expiration of each member’s term, on an election date set by the General Council for the following December. Members shall hold office until their successors are elected, qualified and installed. All nominations and elections whether for officers or by way of referendum, shall be conducted in accordance with and ordinance or ordinances adopted by the governing body which shall provide dates thereof, for polling places, election committees and their duties, absentee balloting and other necessary requirements.
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